Open up new career prospects for your employees.

A digital platform to boost internal mobility 🚀

Make your job offers visible internally thanks to your personalized digital platform, dedicated to mobility.

All your employees have access to your job offers and can apply in just a few clicks to the ads that interest them.

To make it even simpler:

4 times more internal applicants

since the introduction of Keycoopt System


A 100% integrated tool
for your HRIS world 🔌

You don’t need any additional tools, just manage internal mobility from your usual recruitment tool. Your digital platform is interfaced with your other recruitment tools (ATS, multidiffuser, CRM…).

No ATS ? Don’t panic!

Your digital internal mobility platform enables you to create and distribute your internal advertisements and process your employees’ applications:

Your career management is automated 💼

Your employees are automatically alerted when a new internal ad is published.

Thanks to a matching algorithm, based on the preferences entered by your employees (job, location, etc.), your job offers are automatically sent to employees likely to be interested.

All they have to do is apply!

Equipe RH

An expert dedicated to your internal mobility program ✨

Your Customer Satisfaction Manager is at your side before, during and after the launch of your platform, and at every stage of the project:

Ready to make the switch to better quality, simpler, faster and cheaper recruitment?

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