Instructions for a simple and effective Internal Mobility Charter!
Would you like to draw up your own Internal Mobility Charter? You’re well aware of its importance for your internal policy. But where do you start? What elements should be included?
In just a few pages, the Charter must summarize your Internal Mobility policy and explain the “why” and the “how” to your employees. It’s not easy to be clear, engaging, pedagogical, framing, concise… and understandable for everyone…
Here’s a simple method to make sure you don’t forget anything and turn your charter into the No. 1 asset in your internal mobility policy!
If you’re in a hurry…
Here’s a downloadable template for an Internal Mobility CharterOn the program:The challenges of your Internal Mobility Policy and the objectives of your Charter.
Roles explained
The rules of the game
The steps to follow to develop or promote in-house.
What is an Internal Mobility Charter? ReminderAn official document, the Charter is addressed to all your employees and delivers the same message to all your staff. Simple and understandable for everyone, it outlines your Internal Mobility policy and the steps to be taken.
In short, it summarizes your internal HR processes. It also serves to publicly affirm (legitimize) your management’s commitment and involvement.
The Charter reassures employees and encourages dialogue around mobility. Why draw up a charter? Structuring your Internal Mobility policy will enable you to be more efficient in the HR systems you put in place, the actions you take and the planning you carry out… In this way, you will develop internal evolution as part of your corporate culture, and engage your employees over the long term.
Clear, transparent and engaging communication is one of the keys to the success of your policy. What’s the point of putting everything in place if none of your employees are informed or know how they can develop internally?
The Charter helps to lay the foundations, answer any questions and create a bond around the subject of Internal Mobility.
In particular, the Internal Mobility Charter makes it possible to communicate on the tool enabling employees to apply for jobs, view vacancies and find out about recruitment news.
At Keycoopt System, our project managers regularly support their customers in the strategic development of their internal mobility policy and the promotion of the platform and its operation. This also includes advice on drafting the Charter. This is an asset for the performance of companies’ Internal Mobility programs. For example, Groupe Rocher has gone from 19% recruitment through internal mobility to over 28%, thanks to the implementation of a tool and the formalization of its policy with Keycoopt System.How to draw up an Internal Mobility Charter?The challenges of your policy and the objectives of your Internal Mobility Charter.
Everyone’s role in taking an active approach
The rules of the game
Steps to follow
Contacts and tools to know
1. Start by explaining the stakes and objectives of Internal Mobility and your Charter: first, explain why your company has decided to launch an Internal Mobility policy, or why it has now decided to talk about it officially.
Secondly, you introduce the Charter. It will represent a roadmap for employees. Its objectives must be clearly stated.
Through it, your employees will get answers to their questions about: the process, procedures, forms of mobility, access ...2. Internal mobility involves 3 key players: the employee, the manager and HR. The Charter is there to raise awareness, inform and explain everyone’s role.
NB: one of the pitfalls to avoid when embarking on an Internal Mobility policy is failing to explain (or define) everyone’s role. To find out more, download our complete guide on the subject. The employeeIn order to evolve, you also need to: find out about positions, express your aspirations, ask for training, seize opportunities… The Charter enables you toexplain to your employees that they can (and must) also be actors in their own internal mobility. The managerDon’t forget it. He’s your employees’ first point of contact.
To promote your policy, it’s a real asset to have enlightened managers as allies!
Seize this official opportunity to explain to your managers their role in the evolution of their teams (training, skills development, listening to their needs)… Let them become your relays in the field! You, HR ManagerYou know your role, but do your colleagues and managers? We’re not sure.
For many, the failure (less often the success) of an Internal Mobility is the responsibility of HR. Take advantage of this communication to clarify HR’s position in the Internal Mobility process, toexplain your role as facilitator and the means you have put in place to encourage internal changes.3. The rules of the gameWho can benefit from Internal Mobility at your company? Before going into the details of the procedure to be followed, explain clearly (and transparently) the eligibility criteria: Who is authorized to apply internally? For whom are internal positions open (everyone, only permanent employees)? Do I need to have seniority? What kind of status is required? etc.
If you’re opening up Internal Mobility to all your employees, let them know!
And if your conditions are stricter, you need to say so too (explain these restrictions) to avoid disappointment.Confidentiality and Transparency: when can we talk about Internal Mobility? Your employees (and their managers) will indeed be asking themselves these questions: who should we talk to about their desire for mobility? When should the subject be broached?
The Charter enables :
- define special moments (appraisal interviews, for example) when employees can raise the subject with their manager or HR.
- Apart from these moments, the Charter also reassures employees about the confidentiality of their internal application (the terms of this confidentiality, when it starts, where it stops…).
It provides guidelines on “when to tell your manager” (at what stage) and “how to broach the subject”…
The company’s commitmentsThe Charter also makes it possible to assert management’s commitment to the development of Internal Mobility, and what the company is committed to doing to encourage it: providing the necessary tools, equal treatment and fairness, support for career development ….4. Steps to follow for an Internal MobilityIn the manner of a diagram (or with a diagram to illustrate), you explain the various steps to be taken to move internally: the tools to be used, how to use them, the steps to be taken and where…
Where and how to find out about available offers
Introduce the tool available to employees to access offers (such as a dedicated platform like Keycoopt System*). Explain where and how employees can connect to it. If you are implementing several actions to distribute your offers internally, list them.
How to apply
Your objective is to clarify the internal application process. Explain how your employees can apply for a vacancy: using which tool, with or without a CV… You can also add tips to help them prepare their application in the best possible way. Facilitating the process in this way ensures that you don’t miss out on your internal candidates (and their potential)!
The recruitment process
Internal recruitment is still recruitment. There are various stages that the candidate (and the company) must go through before the final decision is made.
In order not to surprise employees and managers, simply explain the procedure followed:
- mobility interviews (formats, numbers, contacts),
- evaluations,
- testing,
- and the differences with “classic recruitment”.
Just explain how it works once Internal Mobility has been approved by all stakeholders:
- Implications for the employment contract.
- If there is a trial period.
- How do you organize the transition between the 2 positions…
Mobility support
Mobility implies new functions, new responsibilities and a new environment (geographically and/or socially). Here you can explain how we can help you take up your new position, such as :
- your integration process (internal onboarding),
- any measures to be taken in the event of geographical mobility, for example,
- follow-up points defined to ensure the success of Internal Mobility (3-6-9 months, etc.)
5. Contacts and tools to knowFinally, and in addition to your conclusion (a word from your manager or HR director perhaps), don’t hesitate to list the contacts of your policy’s referents and relays, as well as the links to your digital tools.📢 Once you’ve drawn up your complete charter, the key is to communicate it to your employees to promote it and encourage mobility! To do this, you can plan several communication actions:
- General distribution by e-mail
- Writing a post on your intranet or internal social network
- Prominence of this charter on your digital tool dedicated to internal mobility
- Organize a webinar or event to present the conditions for internal mobility to all your employees.
- …
Here you have the key elements for effectively drawing up and distributing your Internal Mobility Charter. Of course, you can enrich this plan and adapt its structure according to your policy, the actions undertaken and the challenges you face.
For even more simplicity, download our free customizable template :
* Keycoopt System, a digital platform for collaborative recruitment, enables targeted distribution of the right internal job offers to the right employees. With just a few clicks, employees can apply directly to a vacancy, recommend a colleague (or acquaintance) or share available vacancies with their networks. The platform’s news feed can also be used to animate the company’s Internal Mobility policy.